Britney Lee

Jan 24, 2021
Written by
Photographed by
Karlo Gomez

e had another photoshoot with our SundayGirl Britney Lee (@__babybrit__) because our last ONE as so beautiful we had to capture more!

We asked Britney how she felt about her tummy during our photoshoot and she said: "When Karlo Gomez first asked me to sit normal, meaning don’t try an angle or flatten your stomach, I was sooooo uncomfortable.

To some, my tummy rolls may seem insignificant, but to me, they are not. We all have insecurities, and it’s not ok to invalidate others insecurities just because they aren’t like yours.

I’m starting to understand that it is normal, whether you have baby rolls or big rolls, we have to love them!

Tummy rolls are NORMAL!

Embrace your stomach and embrace your cellulite. Remember, you’re human, not a doll.

More photos from our shoot with Britney.
For our first shoot with Britney, Click Here
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